BRICK – Backup Related Information Collector and Keeper – new version 2.00
What does BRICK stand for? A tool for HP Data Protector, which allows you to document your Data Protector environment, to find issues in your implementation and to collect relevant Information, which you might need to provide for support cases.
BRICK v2.00 supports the Data Protector versions 8.XX and 9.0X, it can be used on HP-UX, Linux and Windows operating system and supports different browser.
Do you like a demo? Please use the following link:
- brick.exe --help
- brick.exe --config=c:\temp\brick.conf --support --path=c:\temp\brick
- brick.exe --full --support --path=c:\temp\brick
- brick.exe --reduced --support --path=c:\temp\brick
- brick.exe --long --support --path=c:\temp\brick
- brick.exe --update

Thanks for your support, positive review and your feedback. I look forward for your feedback for upcoming versions.
BRICK is developed exclusively in leisure time and financed privately or through donations.
I’ll be glad if you honor the efforts I spent for this project, every donation counts and makes new features possible! Want to donate now? DONATE Many thanks for your support!
- v1.20 – 3460 downloads – lifecycle – 12 months
- v1.10 – 1100 downloads – lifecycle – 4 months
- v1.00 – 1500 downloads – lifecycle – 5 months
- v0.12 – 0500 downloads – lifecycle – 2 months
- v0.11 – 1300 downloads – lifecycle – 9 months
Change log 2015/06/11:
- Changed version of BRICK to v2.00.3.02, internal name is ‘Lanthan’, internal name of next version is ‘Cer’.
- Fixed a problem in module “Space Reclaim”, in some environments the message “Illegal division by zero” was displayed.
Change log June 2015:
- Changed version of BRICK to v2.00.3.01, internal name is ‘Lanthan’, internal name of next version is ‘Cer’.
- With version 2.00 the Data Protector versions 8.XX and 9.XX are supported only, older versions (DP 6.XX and 7.0X) are no longer supported. When Brick shall be used for these versions, it is recommend to use the last version – BRICK 1.20.
- The color of the Data Protector version was changed to black for a better visibility.
- The link to the recommended settings (DPCfgCreator) for the files global and omnirc/.omnirc was removed; new recommendations will be displayed in a later version of BRICK.
- When executing BRICK without any parameters, the generated batch/shell files now include a batch file for the update feature.
- The Linux version of BRICK is now compiled as 64bit version; the Windows version remains as 32bit binary.
- A new version of the framework was introduced, including new style.
- A new dashboard was introduced, it includes new charts and new tabs for a summary of each section.
- Option -u|–update checks for newer versions of BRICK. The file will be downloaded, however it has to be uncompressed manually. The update feature assumes a working internet connection (without proxy).
- The update feature is included in the HTML files too. Using “Info” a new window will appear which allows to check for new BRICK versions.
- For the Data Protector standard report the tables were modified to scale to complete page width.
- Fixed a problem with the debug.log. In old versions there was a bug when the file size was checked. In some cases customers received a message “Out of memory”.
- All reports are now available either using the old time frame parameter or the new time frame (BR_ReportsStart and BR_ReportsEnd or rep_start and rep_end).
- The used commands are displayed for Data Protector commands only; in some cases notes are displayed. Used commands or notes are displayed below the content.
- All current browser are supported, however all features were fully tested with “Google Chrome”. For some browser versions there are limitations regarding some features. For example in some versions of the Internet Explorers it is not possible to export the charts as pictures, as the embedded iFrame cannot be converted as canvas object.
- Added resize event to the index.html to allow reload of page content when size of browser is changed.
- BRICK contains approx. 23000 lines of code.
- Verified platforms: Windows 7, Windows 2012 R2, Windows 2008, Windows 2008 Cluster, SLES 11 SP1, CentOS 6.5, RedHat 6.5 and HP-UX 11.31.
- Data Protector schedules stored in ‘Advanced Scheduler’ are not listed at the moment.
- For the check of installed patches on clients vCenter server, Hyper-V server and ESXi server are skipped.
- With BR_DP_HealthCheckConfig and BR_DP_Notifications the information about HealthCheckConfig and Notfications are now displayed in “DP Other”.
- With BR_DP_RptGroups and BR_DP_RptScheduled the information about reportgroups and reportschedules are now displayed in “DP rptgroups & schedules”.
- Fixed a problem for opening omnisv.log and Ob2EventLog.txt. In previous versions of BRICK a message “the file was not found” was displayed.
- With BR_DP_ReportOldCatalog a check for old Detail Catalog Binary Files (DCBF 1.0 from Data Protector 6.xx or 7.0x versions) is included.
- Added SAPHANA integration to “DP IDB queries”.
- If BR_ReportsStart and BR_ReportsEnd (config file) or rep_start and rep_end (command-line) are not defined, the default value for BR_ReportsTimeFrame (config file – standard 7 days) is used.
- If BR_ReportsStart and BR_ReportsEnd or rep_start and rep_end are defined, the start time is set to 0:00 and the end time is set to 23:59.
- In previous versions of BRICK there were fixed values for the variable BR_ReportsTimeFrame (1, 2, 7, 14, 31 days), with BRICK 2.0 the value can be set as required.
- The tables (grids) will now scale better and the look and feel were modified. All tables are now resizeable.
- In all reports as thousand separator a ‘,’ and as decimal separator a ‘.’ is used.
- Fixed a problem when the Y values started in negative area.
- All reports can be used with either the old time frame or the new time frame (BR_ReportsStart and BR_ReportsEnd or rep_start and rep_end).
- The charts are generated with either “last X days” or “from – to” in the chart title.
- A tick interval was introduced for the X values.
- For the session reports there are no longer links to open session messages, media info, etc. Instead a button is displayed to open a new modal window, including all the required information in tabs.
- In old versions of BRICK for some numbers the decimal places were too long. The problem is fixed, all numbers are now displayed with 2 or 4 decimal places.
- The old Pie-Charts were replaced by Donut-Charts.
- Line-Charts and Bar-Charts or Column-Charts were enhanced with a zoom function – “Click and drag to zoom in. Hold down shift key to pan”.
- The old Bar-Charts or Column-Charts for reports with a time frame less than 7 days were replaced by Line-Charts.
- A break function was included in the licensing report, this allows a kind of a logarithmic feature.
- The report “De-dupe ratio per day” now checks for valid data. In old versions of BRICK a zero line was displayed.
- All charts can now be exported as large PNG files. To allow the export a working internet connection is required. All charts are generated on the server using The feature work as follow: The chart is first displayed without the export button. In the background it will be checked if a connection to the internet is possible. The check is done using JSON query to, on success the string “connected” is returned. Once the string has been received the chart is re-drawn (you might see a new animation in the charts) and the export button will be enabled. On failure the export button remains disabled.
- Some new reports were introduced, BRICK now contains 16 reports. New reports will be made available using the new update feature.
- New report “Report cell_info”: will display which components are installed on the clients. The grid allows for a better overall view compared to cell_info file.
- New report “Report OS in cell”: will display the different operating systems used in cell.
- New report “Data per Integration (Pie Chart)”: will display the used data types in percent.
- New report “Backup Volume”: displays the protected data. The values can be used as base for Capacity Based Licensing.
- New report “SpaceReclaim”: displays expired objects on append able media. The report can be used to regain free space on media using object copy.
- With BR_AR_CreateCSVfromReports all tables from the reports are created as CSV files are are available for download.
- Added the SAPHANA integration to the “Data per Integration …” charts.
Change log April 2014:
- Redesign of the code to allow the execution of the software on Windows, Linux and HP-UX.
- The main HTML page (summary page in generated report) was redesigned. A dashboard, containing 3 charts, is introduced with this release. In addition the remaining parts of the page were optimized.
- With this release, BRICK now suppors HP-UX. The support is limited to HP-UX 11.31 on Itanium, PA-RISC systems are not supported. Due to limited hardware availability the MC/ServiceGuard cluster was not tested. However, BRICK will run in cluster environments too, when executed on node with running cell server package.
- No changes to browser support – the following browsers are supported: Chrome, Firefox, Safarai and IE (versions 9, 10 and 11).
- Due to enhancements in code new config files are required. The config files are part of the download.
- Advanced Reports: The ‘License report’ might display “No licenses installed.”. This is a normal behaviour, when the capacity based license modell is used.
- In previous versions the IDB check was skipped when sessions were running. With this versions and with the Data Protector 8 releases the IDB check is not skipped when a session is running.
- Subroutines were optimized to allow faster execution. Note: the runtime of BRICK may vary depending on your environment and the runtime of the Data Protector commands executed.
- Fixed a problem for Data Protector 6.11. The check for the binary “omnidbp4000” does no longer aborts BRICK, when the binary is not found. Instead a comment is displayed in the report.
- Fixed a problem for all versions of Data Protector. The check for the files “omnisv.log”, “rds.log”, “debug.log” and “Ob2EventLog.txt” does no longer aborts BRICK, when the files are not found. Instead a comment is displayed in the report. The problem affected all new installations of Data Protector, when the files were not yet available.
- Fixed a problem on Linux (and HP-UX) when quoting files and folders containing spaces and / or hyphens.
- Fixed a problem on Linux (and HP-UX) when relative pathes are used and the files were created in wrong folders. BRICK must use absolute pathes in all cases.
- Fixed a problem when checking the size of the debug.log. BRICK now detects the correct size of the file and the warning is reported only when the size is bigger 500 MB.
- Tested platforms: Windows 7, Windows 2012, Windows 2012 R2, Windows 2008, Windows 2008 Cluster, SLES 11 SP1, RedHat 6.5 and HP-UX 11.31.
- Supported Data Protector versions: 6.11, 6.20, 6.21, 7.01, 7.03, 8.00, 8.01, 8.10 and 8.11.
- On HP-UX 11.31 the Data Protector versions 7.01, 7.03, 8.00, 8.01, 8.10 and 8.11 are supported only. However, older versions of Data Protector will work too.
- Change of version: BRICK release v, internal name is ‘yttrium’, internal name of next version is ‘lanthan’.
- Information: BRICK contains approx. 22250 lines of code.
Change log December 2013:
- Redesign of the code to allow the execution of the software on Windows and Linux.
- With the ‘Sencha JS EXT Framework’ (founded by donation – see article) BRICK now supports following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safarai and IE (versions 9, 10 and 11 – version 8 is no longer supported).
- Implemented the parameter --debug|-d.
- Implemented the parameter --config|-c to allow a granular execution of BRICK. For example, it is possible to exclude all SUBS except the ‘Advanced Reports’ to generate daily, weekly or monthly reports. The config files uses default values for the variables if not specified.
- Added support for Windows and Linux cluster environments.
- Advanced Reports: All tables in the reports were optimized.
- Advanced Reports: ‘License report’ – missing licenses are marked red.
- Advanced Reports: ‘List of sessions’ – the duration is displayed for the sessions.
- Advanced Reports: ‘Speed report’ – the performance value can be adjusted in the config file.
- Advanced Reports: ‘Backup time per day’ changed from bar to line chart.
- Advanced Reports: Two new reports added: ‘Daily backups success rate’ and ‘Deduplication per store’.
- Advanced Reports: The reports are now generated from 0:00 to 0:00, for the current day round down to the full hour.
- Advanced Reports: Depending on the ‘report time frame’ (1, 2, 7, 14 or 31 days – see config file), the reports will be displayed as bar or line charts.
- Implementation of a diagnostic tool for StoreOnce software stores on the cell server (with support by Sebastian Koehler).’.
- Added last backup of the IDB, containing the media and session information.
- Implementation of a license check for pre DP 5.5 licenses. If found, a warning is issued – ‘invalid license, please contact your sales representative!’.
- Fixed a problem from version 1.0 were some files are created in the wrong folder.
- Fixed a problem with the local group members for Windows. The WMI is no longer used, instead a local command is issued to prevent browsing active directory when nested groups are used.
- Hint: For Windows cluster the script relies on the variable DP_SDATA_DIR, if not found the script will abort. You may set it using the command set DP_SDATA_DIR=< path to shared DP diretory >.
- Tested platforms: Windows 7, Windows 2012, Windows 2008, Windows 2008 Cluster, SLES 11 SP1, RedHat 6.5.
- Supported Data Protector versions: 6.11, 6.20, 6.21, 7.01, 7.03, 8.00 and 8.10.
- Change of version: BRICK minor release v, internal name is ‘scandium’, internal name of next version is ‘yttrium’.
- Information: BRICK contains approx. 21000 lines of code.
Changelog 2013/07/01:
- Added support for HP Data Protector 8.00.
- Modified all relevant parts of BRICK and changed the code for the obsolete and new commands. This includes the parts “DP configs”, “DP checks”, “DP idb”, “DP idb queries”, “DP libraries & devices”.
- Added a new command for ZDB P10000 (HP 3Par StoreServ) in section “DP config” for Data Protector version >= 8.00.
- Added DP_HOME_DIR\omniback\idb\bin to the “File versions” for Data Protector version >= 8.00.
- Moved “licenses short” from “DP configs” to “DP licenses”.
- Modified the elevation check. With this version the check is done immediately after launching the script, this was required due to Windows 2012 permissions when debug parameter is used.
- Changed the help to include the description for new parameters.
- Added the parameter -debug to dump information about the environment when starting the script. Enhancements for the debug option are an ongoing process.
- Prepared the new parameter -config which allows to run the script using a config file. Until final testing the feature is hidden.
- Fixed a problem when relative pathes were used for -p parameter.
- Fixed a problem in “DP other”. After the tab “debug.log” the OB2EventLog was not displayed in separate tab when debug.log included more than 250 lines. The problem has now been resolved.
- Decreased runtime for Data Protector version >= 8.00.
- Changed the table width in “DP idb queries” to maximum. The new value is a more optimized value for the data to be displayed.
- Changed the recommendation for file global and file omnirc. In this version there will be no recommendation for Data Protector version >= 8.00. For Data Protector versions < 8.00 the recommendation stays as it was known from previous BRICK versions.
- Changed the version of BRICK to the major release v1.00.
Changelog 2013/05/14:
- A new user interface was developed to give the user a better experience when working with BRICK. The interface is based on the free framework “Dojo”, for the generated charts some libraries from are used. In this version of BRICK the report can be viewed with MS Internet Explorer only, tested versions are: IE8 (with some limitations), IE9 and IE10. You might need to “Allow active content to run in files on My Computer” to enable the Dojo Framework or to “Allow the blocked content” each time you open the index.html. For the new version of BRICK the code was completely rewritten.
- In the new interface a new start page was implemented for a better formatted overview and quick summary. In addition the header information is changed with this version.
- Added a feature to generate batch files for the execution of BRICK. When BRICK is executed without any parameters the commands are written to batch files to ease the usability for new users of BRICK. When these batches are used the output of BRICK is written to users temp folder.
- Added the new command for DP701 – omnib2dinfo. The command will be executed when at least the patches from 2013/04/09 are installed.
- Added a new feature to retrieve the information from HBA’s, the output is presented in the SAN information container.
- Added a new feature to collect debug information for all clients in cell using the command omnidlc (including get_info). The pck files are written to support folder. When -reduced mode is used the omnidlc file is generated for the cell server only. With option -full and -long the debugs for all clients in the cell are collected.
- Added a new feature called Advanced Reporting. The advanced reporting will produce handy reports with the form of pie charts and bar charts. The generation of the reports was tested with english GUI. At the momemt the following advanced reports are available: Reports summary, Speed report, Objects report, Data per integration, Data per day, Backup time per day, Data per device, Dedup ratio per day, License report, Reports sessions.
- Changed the behaviour for the execution of BRICK. In previous versions the admin mode (elevation) was optional, in the new version the admin mode is required to collect all the data – return code 4 is displayed when the script is not elevated.
- In all subs of BRICK the font Courier was replaced by the font Helvetia. In addition the generated HTML tables are optimized and aligned.
- With this version of BRICK the execution in environments with the MS Cluster installed is now fully supported (tested for W2K3 and W2K8 clusters). In addition a problem was fixed when reading specific files in cluster environments (i.e. the file rds.log) and the script died unexpectedly in previuos versions of BRICK.
- The parameter “-fixed” has become obsolete and is no longer used in BRICK.
- Added a new parameter “-no_dns” to allow faster runtime in environments with more than 50 clients in the cell. The parameter will skip the DNS check and is recommended for environments where the DNS check was already done previously.
- Changed the listing for the configured users and groups of the operating system. Starting with this version the listing of local OS groups and members is displayed in OS section. In previous versions the users of complete active directory were listed when the cell server was member of a domain. For large environments the retrieval of the users took to long. In current version the problem was fixed to list local users and groups only.
- Added a new feature for cluster environments. When the cell server is installed cluster-aware, in section Windows the cluster resources and groups are listed.
- Added the Windows systeminfo output to the OS section in BRICK.
- If the StoreOnce software store is not located on the cell server the properties of the store cannot be captured, instead a message is displayed. This might be changed in future versions when omnib2dinfo is available in all versions of DP.
- In previous versions of BRICK the usage of scripting was optional while opening the generated HTML site, in this version of BRICK this is a requirement for the Dojo framework to work properly.
- Simplified the creation of the required directories for the BRICK output. If option -support is not used only the required directories will be generated.
- When running omnicheck -patches for a VMware or Hyper-V server a “general error” might be displayed (cause: the client is imported as VE client). in this case the output is modified to display a comment instead.
- Fixed a problem with the functions to get current date and current time (get_now and get_date), in addition code was decreased.
- Fixed a problem with the check of the installed DP patches. In previous versions of BRICK and for DP version 7.01 the output was not written to the file.
- Fixed a problem when the output of get_info file was bigger than 1 MB, as the page load for HTML took to long. In previous version it was implemented to check the file size and to link to the file instead. There was an error with a variable in previous version which prevented the mechanism to work properly – the problem has now finally been fixed. In addition the max. file size is now 1 MB instead of 5 MB to display the link.
- The phrase “ZDB Lefthand P4000” was renamed to “ZDB StoreVirtual”.
- Changed the help system because of the changed parameters.
- Modified the “Support SSO” HTML page, as the portal to generate support cases has been changed.
- Changed the version of BRICK to v 0.12.
Changelog 2012/08/21:
- Fixed an error during the start if more than one network adapter is used for the backup and the cell server name is not equal to the system name. The check during the start was modified to allow the script start.
- In cluster environment an additional comment is displayed. During the start of the script the message is displayed that the script has to be run on active cluster node. Full cluster support is added in a later version and was added to the roadmap.
- For Support the status of the services displayed the historical data only. Modified the code to display the current status of the services AND the historical data.
- All Data Protector commands used in the back will now create a file containing the output of the commands used. The files are stored in support folder.
- Added Dr. Watson and Windows Error Reporting Files to the section Windows Common. To allow reporting of WER files the script must be run with admin rights.
- The folder structure in support folder was reorganized, single files to be analyzed can be found faster.
- Fixed an error with debug.log on cell server. In the past the file was copied to support folder and packed afterwards. For large files this will consume too much time. Modified the script to pack the file on source as on brick folder.
- Reviewed spelling in the reports and fixed some typos.
- For support some important information like backupspecifications, schedules, etc. were not copied in the past. Enhanced the script to pack the folders barlists, barschedules, consolidationlists, copylists, datalists and schedules as single zip files into the destination folder …support/omniback_config_server/
- For recommended settings in file global and omnirc the link to the tool DPcfgCreator ( was added.
- As requested by support the more time consuming IDB check has been implemented. With the switch ‘-long’ all the IDB checks are performed. Option ‘-long’ will override the omnidbcheck -quick, instead these commands are executed: omnidbcheck -core, -filenames, -bf, -smbf, -sibf, -dc -detail.
- Fixed an error during DNS check when the script was executed in reduced mode. For the report some data was missing and a file was not created in support folder
- Fixed an error on Windows 2003 when the output path contained spaces, in this case index.html and changelog.html was not created. In help an additional hint is displayed.
- The output of the script was not written to a logfile in the past. Changed the code to write the output to file bricklog.html. The file is created in current directory (or the script where the script was launched from) and the file is overwritten each time executed.
- Implemented different return codes for the script. All the codes are displayed in the help.
- Added a new section ‘DP IDB queries’. The following commands are included: omnidb -mssql | -oracle8 | -winfs | -sap | -sapdb | -msese | -mbx | -informix | -sybase | -lotus | -vss | -db2 | –vmware | -auditing, omnicellinfo -object.
- In the past the uptime of the server was not displayed. The uptime (in minutes) is now displayed on main page in section ‘Windows’.
- Fixed an error during the ping test in section ‘Network’. The test was successfull in the past, but the return code was not displayed.
- With Data Protector 7.01 replication was introduced between HW devices (B6000). For the implementation some new folders were added to Data Protector and the code was modified to display the replication jobs in the report.
- For a better readability the font size for the output of Data Protector commands using font type Courier was increased to size 10pt and the margin changed as for the other reports. In next version the font type Courier will be replaced.
- Enhanced roadmap.
- Changed version number to v 0.11.
Changelog 2012/06/08:
- Bugfix when zipping the file and parameter ‘-p=c:\’ was used to excecute the script.
- Bugfix when listing backup specifications and schedules – sometime ‘file not found’ was displayed.
- Added runtime of the script on main page of report (end of page).
- Crash of firefox when get_info file is larger than 5 MB. Added code to display the first 5000 lines of get_info when file is larger then 2 MB and created link to the file.
- Added code to display a warning when size of debug.log is > 500 MB.
- Included the Windows hosts file in Network section.
- Included report of IDB size in IDB section.
- Added code to display a message when no purge has been ran in the environment.
- Added the display of start and end time in DNS check.
- Added OB2EventLog.txt in DP Other section (last 250 lines).
- Added Copy and Consolidation specifications, Copy and Consolidation schedules and Copy and Consolidation postbackups in DP section.
- Optimized table layout in report when using a low screen resolution.
- Changed output of the script to not display the command which is currently executed. Instead a more meaningfull output is displayed and a ‘Running’ and ‘Done’ status is displayed.
- Enhanced roadmap.
- Changed version number to v 0.10.
Changelog 2012/06/01:
- Release to public.
- BRICK collects information about the backup environment for your reference. It can be used to provide information requested in support cases or to proactively send information about issues in backup and recovery environments when opening a support case.
- You can decide whether to run all checks (switch -full) or a reduced number of checks (-reduced). The reduced checks should be used in bigger environments, see help for recommendation about size.
- The option -support will generate a special html site to be used by support, including information about session reports, backup specifications, patch level for the hosts, operating system and architecture of hosts in the cell and more.
- DP related information: global, omnirc, cell_info, MoM info, licenses (short), rdmserver.ini, ZDB information, status DP services, running sessions, impersonation, userlist, keystore, rds.log, debug.log, IDB info, IDB check table space, IDB upgrade info, IDB DCdirs, IDB db files, IDB extend info, IDB locked devices, healthcheck, omnidbcheck, DNS check, purge check, list of installed patches, lic.dat, password info, license check, GRE licenses, devices, libraries, media pools, pool details, session reports, additional standard reports, dll versions, StoreOnce, fs backups and schedules, bar backups and schedules.
- Hardware related information: RAM, CPU, BIOS, Model, LAN interfaces, SAN interfaces.
- Network related information: DNS lookup, IP addresses, host, domain, subnet, gateway, ping results.
- Operating system related information: Service Pack, Serial number, Bitness, NetBios Name, DNS Name/fqdn, install date, time zone, disk layout, domain, domain controller, users, patches, processes running and configured, eventlogs, driver versions.
- Performance related information: utilization disk and cpu, disk io, LAN, SAN.
- Support related information: guide on how to open a case, where to get manuals, access to the hp feedback tool, howto search for cases, link to patches, link to
- IMPLEMENTED: Config – parameter (-config) will be implemented to use a config file for the script. In the config file different checks and collections can be disabled and enabled.
- IMPLEMENTED: Cluster Support – enable the script to be cluster aware.
- IMPLEMENTED: Platform support – port the script to HP-UX/Linux.
- IMPLEMENTED: Update – feature to autoupdate the script.
- Security – parameter (-config) to hide IP addresses, domain names, etc from the report.
- Search – engine to search the generated files and web sites for a specific information.
- Diff – mode to compare 2 different runs of the script, results will be reported as separate html site.
- Recommendation – separate html site with recommendations how to improve the backup and recovery environment (example compare installed patches with available patches), autoupdate required beforehand.
- Language – it is planned to have different languages for the tool as french, german and other…
Comment: I shall take no responsibility for any kind of damage caused by the usage of this tool.
During the execution from Win 2008R2 and DP 6.20 the following error appear:
“ERROR: LoadLIbrary p2x5142.dll failed”
Do you know what reason of this error ?
Hi Diogo,
seems to be a compatibility issue with Perl and required modules. Is your installation 32 Bit? Do you use the version 1.20. Have you already tried an older version?
Best regards
hello, I have not been able to publish the report as you publish your demo.
Could you explain how to publish?
The output folder does not have:
the libs, or the frame in the index.
Thanks for your answer.
Hi Juan,
can you please send a private mail ( and send the generated zip?
In this case I can evaluate what went wrong.
Best regards
Pingback: BRICK - Version v1.20 with support for DP 8.11, HP-UX/Linux/Windows
Pingback: Your HELP is appreciated
I get the following error and the Brick crahes
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: omnidb.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 55baa499
Fault Module Name: StackHash_88ca
Fault Module Version: 6.2.9200.16912
Fault Module Timestamp: 536464ba
Exception Code: c0000374
Exception Offset: PCH_14_FROM_ntdll+0x0000000000002B5A
OS Version: 6.2.9200.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 88ca
Additional Information 2: 88ca112677a30022bb2f34f66d2a41a2
Additional Information 3: aa60
Additional Information 4: aa60dcc297900abbc3806c09332117b1
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Hi Rahil,
the problem is related to Data Protector.
Which version and support pack is installed?
Best regards
Hi Daniel
I have version 9 installed with Support pack 4
Hi Rahil,
either install DP 9.05 or open a support case to get the omnidb problem fixed.
When Brick aborts after the omnidb crash, at which line in Brick it is aborted, what was the last command executed.
You may send me the brickdebug.log.
Best regards
so how do i do this. Im missing information on how to set it up, is there any way to do this, how can i automate update of info in a best possible way..
do i run the full version every day as a scheduled task, does it know what it have the last 6 days, so it takes less time to complete etc. etc, ?
Hi Thomas,
there is no installation required. Just execute it and you are done.
However, I recommend to use the config file provided to customize your report and to deselect what not required every day.
Of course, once configured the config file, schedule the report as you need it.
Best regards
Ye. I was missing information as to how the config file should like like, for example one setting pr line, do i use spaces or semikolon etc etc,, there was no info in the pdf file about it.
The other thing i notices, that would be sweet for next feature is some sort of textbased database, as this can be a very nice monitor report tool of the backup system.
right now i use a modified batch file with “–rep_start %date:~6,4%%date:~3,2%%date:~0,2% –rep_end %date:~6,4%%date:~3,2%%date:~0,2%”
which allows me to do the last 24 hours of todays date in a schedule, but i do wish i could have had the history there aswell, but due to the structure of your data path, that would require tons of manual editing to fix myself.
what about some kind of same data path with an append function, as its only the first 2 menus that is important, the data Protector, and the Advanced Report section.
Hi Thomas,
You may have missed the config file provided with the download of BRICK. There is a folder Windows, Linux and HP-UX with the binaries, and one folder configfiles with some examples and comments.
Regarding the feature you like to see… I’ve removed it in very early version of BRICK, as other customers required to have a dedicated report for each execution. The database is a nice idea, but the reporting product including the database is Backup navigator from HPE 🙂
So when you “tune” the config file, you can make the ZIP file very small and store it on a web server in your intranet. I had a customer who did this and just built a sitemap to include all index.html files. Maybe this can work for you too.
Best regards